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5 Ways to Help Your Child Avoid the Flu

young boy taking temperature
added on: November 8, 2017

‘Tis the season of sniffles and coughs, body aches and congestion. It’s officially the time of year when the flu can make for a miserable few days. But it doesn’t have to take its toll on your kids or you. Our children’s dental office in Erdenheim is here to help you prevent the flu this season with some helpful tips.

Keep Little Ones’ Hands Clean

This tried and true life lesson is probably one of the best ways to avoid the flu or the common cold. Make sure your child washes his hands with warm, soapy water before meals, after using the restroom, or after touching another person. If soap and water isn’t accessible, carry an alcohol-based sanitizer to use on him instead.

Protect His Toothbrush

It may sound gross, but toothbrushes can harbor all sorts of germs. That’s why it’s important to take proper care of it. Make sure your child is thoroughly rinsing his toothbrush after each use, and make sure you store it in an upright position to air dry. Keep his toothbrush separated from yours and all family members’ toothbrushes separated from each other to avoid cross contamination. And of course, never share toothbrushes.

Give Him More Water

A body that’s hydrated it also better at fighting off germs and bacteria since it’s operating optimally. It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but during flu season you may consider increasing your child’s intake. Drinking plenty of H20 is not only great for the body, but it’s good for oral health, too.

Sanitize & Clean

Having the areas where you spend the most time clean and sanitary is key to keeping germs away. Pay attention to things that get touched the most — door knobs, remote control, toys, faucets, and toilets. Germs are invisible to the naked eye, so even if it seems clean it can’t hurt to give it a quick wipe down.

Keep His Hands Away From His Face

The CDC states that one of the most common ways germs are spread is by touching a contaminated surface then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. These body parts have mucus that can easily transport germs into the body and make us sick.

Following this these tips can go a long way in helping you prevent your little one from getting knocked down from the flu. However, if he does happen to catch the bug, our Erdenheim children’s dental office encourages you to use sugar-free medicines to help alleviate his symptoms. Not only will these medications help him feel a bit better, they’re safer for teeth, too.  

As always, having a healthy mouth can directly impact how healthy we are overall. Make sure your child brushes and flosses every day and maintains visits with his children’s dentist in Erdenheim at least every six months.

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