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The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

Chesheim Dental Associates in Erdenheim
added on: March 30, 2020

Everyone knows that your bi-annual visits to the dentist help get your teeth squeaky clean. After all, they’re called hygiene visits for a reason. But your dentist in Erdenheim believes that these twice-a-year appointments are more important than the cleaning alone. In fact, your bi-annual dental appointments do so much more. 

Prevention is Key

Every six months, you head on over to your dentist’s office for your cleaning, and in between those appointments, you make sure to brush and floss your teeth every day. So why, exactly, does your dentist in Erdenheim need to see you two times a year (at least)? Isn’t that a little much? Quite the opposite. Your dental checkups and cleanings serve a bigger purpose and can help identify and treat any lingering problems related to your oral health as well as keep your overall health protected. How? We’re glad you asked. 

The Truth is in The X-Rays

You’re probably familiar with getting dental x-rays taken at least once a year, and these images can tell your dental team a lot about what’s going on below the surface. Your dental hygienist and dentist will review your x-rays in detail will be able to see things such as decay that is not yet visible to the naked eye, the overall health of your gums, as well as identify an abscess before you may even know you have it. As a result, your dental team will be able to treat any problems early, before they have a bigger effect on your oral health or even your overall health. 

Gum Disease

Let’s say that your dental x-rays show some concern with your gums. Perhaps your gum pockets are too deep or your gums bleed when you brush or floss. Usually, those are the top signs that gum disease is lurking. Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissue and can be treated if caught early. However, if it’s left untreated, gum disease can cause problems in the mouth as well as the rest of the body. Gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of: 

  • Tooth loss
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disease
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke 

Seeing your dentist in Erdenheim twice a year can help diagnose and treat gum disease before it has a chance to affect the rest of your body. 

It’s About Than Just Teeth

There’s a very clear connection between oral health and whole-body health. Besides the risks of gum disease discussed above, many other health problems may first show signs in the mouth. Some of the things that can be identified at your bi-annual dental visits include, but are not limited to, diabetes, kidney disease, certain cancers, and heart disease. So while your dental team is certainly focused on getting your teeth clean during your appointments, they are also keeping an eye out for other possible problems that can affect your overall health. As with many health problems, the earlier these conditions are properly diagnosed and treated, the more successful treatment tends to be. That’s why we want to see you every six months, so we can proactively protect both your oral health and overall health. 

The truth is, your dental team is an extension of your healthcare team, and your dental cleanings are the best way to prevent any serious problems from affecting your body. Besides maintaining a good at-home oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing, make sure to see your dentist at least twice a year. 

About The Author

Dr. Angela M. Stout specializes in pediatric, adolescent, and special needs dentistry, and is certified in oral sedation. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and a Fellow at the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists. Aside from being a dentist, she is also a clinical assistant professor and lecturer.

Posted In: General, Oral Health

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