Chesheim Dental Associates

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Improving Your Dental Experience with iTero

added on: November 8, 2013

Yikes! You broke a crown. And the part of having it restored you like the least is biting into that mass of impression goop – it makes you gag every time and it has to stay in your mouth for what feels like hours. Worse, sometimes the impression for something like a dental crown has to be taken twice. Not anymore! Chesheim Dental Associates in Erdenheim now has the iTero intraoral digital scanner to make getting any restoration – like your crown – as easy as 1,2,3!

iTero Technology:

1. Creates precision images for incredibly accurate restorations

2. Eliminates the gooey discomfort of impressions

3. Shortens your appointments and eliminates the need for return appointments

It all adds up to a better better, more comfortable restoration process. So about that broken crown… come see us for a goopless experience!

iTero – More Than Just Crowns

Chesheim Dental Associates has invested in iTero technology to save you time and make restorations and other dentistry much easier and more comfortable. Since the iTero makes any procedure more accurate, we use it to replace conventional impression taking methods and improve the quality and effectiveness of crowns, porcelain inlays and onlays, porcelain veneers, implant restorations and Invisalign treatment.

The Benefits of iTero

Instead of putty molds that are messy and not always accurate, we take a digital scan of your bite that creates an intricate 3D image in real time. With iTero, the only thing that touches your teeth is the tip of a hand-held wand. The digital impression is complete in approximately three to five minutes. No waiting for the putty to dry, and no re-molding. And best of all, the digital impression can be sent electronically to our partner labs so your restoration will fit better and last longer.

If you need a crown – or any other restorative or cosmetic dental procedure – call our dental office in Erdenheim. We can make your smile look and feel great with no gagging involved!

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