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Easy on the Sippy, Skippy!

easy on the sippy
added on: March 4, 2015

As your child gets too big for the bottle, you may replace it with a fun sippy cup. Sippy cups are all right for a little while, but at our pediatric dental office in Erdenheim, we strongly recommend transitioning to straws or “big kid cups” sooner rather than later.


Sippy cups are great for those kids who are ready to hold their own cup and, once they stop throwing it on the floor repeatedly, actually drink from it. However, constant, prolonged use of the sippy cup may lead to some developmental concerns and oral health problems.



It’s quite common for a sippy cup to become a replacement for a bottle or pacifier. When this happens, little ones tend to sip on them throughout the day as a comforting habit. If that sippy cup is full of anything but water, their tiny teeth are constantly exposed to damaging sugar. According to the Centers for Disease Control, cavities have increased by 15 percent in children two to five. By choosing an alternative to the sippy cup, you can help keep your child’s teeth cavity free.


Speech Difficulties

Sippy cups are a great transitional tool from bottles to real cups. However, prolonged use can actually influence the development of teeth and gums. Since sippy cups require the same sucking action as bottles, if used for too long, they may cause the tongue and teeth to change position, resulting in a possible speech difficulties like a lisp or trouble with articulation.


When to Skip the Sippy

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends phasing out the bottle between 12 and 24 months. However, by nine months, your child should be open to the idea of drinking from a sippy cup. It can help to introduce them to the idea of the sippy cup periodically prior to this milestone so they’re familiar with it and the way it feels. The sippy cup is acceptable for a little while, but it should be replaced with a cup or a straw by two or three years of age.


While using the sippy cup is ok, try to keep the days of the sippy cup short and transition to drinking with a straw or a “big kid cup” as soon as you can. Having trouble tossing the cup? give our Erdenheim pediatric dental office a call. We’re always here to help!


Welcoming patients from Erdenheim, Flourtown, Chestnut Hill, and surrounding areas.


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